Mean JS

Mean JS

Conocido con el acrónimo de MEAN (MongoDB - Express - AngularJS - Node.JS) es una excelente herramienta de desarrollo Full Stack en javascript, desde el cliente al servidor pasando por la base de datos, todas con el mismo punto en común. Desarrollo end-to-end usando JavaScript tanto en el frontend, backend y la base de datos.

Lo interesante son los enlaces que deja la página para capacitarse en estas tecnologías

Go through MongoDB Official Website and proceed to its Great Manual, which should help you understand NoSQL and MongoDB better.
The best way to understand express is through its Official Website, particularly The Express Guide; you can also go through this StackOverflow Thread for more resources.
Angular's Official Website is a great starting point. You can also use Thinkster Popular Guide, and the Egghead Videos.
Start by going through Node.js Official Website and this StackOverflow Thread, which should get you going with the Node.js platform in no time.